OK, I havn't updated this in forever, so here goes :)
Right after I got home Sunny and I had the 4-H horse show, so we did that...
He was pretty good considering how little he had been worked with in the past several weeks! OK, so halter was a bit of a disaster. We went in and he did well for most of the time, including when the judge was looking at him for the first time. She asked me how old he was (since he could be more filled out I guess, but he still has several years for that) and if he was a curly! I was just like, "great, a judge I don't have to explain the breed to!" Then when she was coming back up the row, he managed to get the itchies under his halter and was fighting me because I was trying my best not to let him rub his head all over me like he wanted. So, we got second to last in that class!
Then we had western favorite gait. He was GREAT in that class. Until... we were foxtrotting, and it was right in front of the judge, and he stopped to go to the bathroom! I have been trying to work with him on this, but he simply refuses to keep moving. AAACK. Before the judge went back with the results she said, "you would have had the trophy if he hadn't broken gait. I was really disappointed" I thanked her but was thinking, "not as disappointed as I am", lol. So he ALMOST had his first trophy. I am still thinking through the whole showing thing, so I don't know if he's going to have another chance or not.
And then we had fourth in trail. So really, I am very proud of him since he had about 3 weeks without being ridden at all and then about 2 rides before the show.
I guess I will write more later.
August 03, 2007
July 20, 2007
Peru and more
Peru was AMAZING. Defenitely the best experience of my life. One of my roomies posted a slide show on youtube of our team, and it kind of gives a flavor of what we were doing ( a drama performance called "Toymaker and Son" and work projects) http://youtube.com/watch?v=eliKoGpnovg
The whole experience has made me really think hard about some things, including my involvement with horses and Sunny in particular. I was feeling so burnt out before I left, and a little bit now as I came home. I am now thinking that was due to me trying to make them the center of my life. That just won't work. Horses cannot be my reason for living. They are allowed to be a bright spot but that's it. I am very excited about my newly found direction and I think this is going to be one of the better things that I have done. I have also come to the conclusion that showing is unhealthy for me and causes me to focus more on winning ribbons than on my relationship with Sunny, so I am going to be taking a break from that. I'll keep in touch with how that goes...
The whole experience has made me really think hard about some things, including my involvement with horses and Sunny in particular. I was feeling so burnt out before I left, and a little bit now as I came home. I am now thinking that was due to me trying to make them the center of my life. That just won't work. Horses cannot be my reason for living. They are allowed to be a bright spot but that's it. I am very excited about my newly found direction and I think this is going to be one of the better things that I have done. I have also come to the conclusion that showing is unhealthy for me and causes me to focus more on winning ribbons than on my relationship with Sunny, so I am going to be taking a break from that. I'll keep in touch with how that goes...
June 28, 2007
no show :(
Well, it's pouring down rain here- the show was canceled. On the bright side, they are considering rescheduling, and it would be AFTER I come back from Peru, so hopefully I can still get him to it.
Looking forward to some sunshine!
Looking forward to some sunshine!
June 24, 2007
whats been goin' on
I did go out for that test ride, and it was super great! Sunny was awesome. I was having some trouble with his canter (which is hopefully slowing down some to a nice easy lope!) but other than that he was perfect. We were out on our neighbors lane and I saw a small shape coming out of the bean field on the right. It was tan and small, and it just stopped and looked at us for a few minutes, then started coming towards us. I kept Sunny moving forward at a walk, but was a little nervous about this because of the light, I couldn't see exactly what it was. I knew it wasn't another cougar (at least the reasonable side of my head did, lol!) but I sure didn't want to meet up with a strange, possibly feral dog. Fortunately it turned, and I could see its ears. It was a fawn, which had been precisely what I was hoping it would be. We got within about 20 feet of it, which was really cool. (What a time not to have a camera along! grrrr.) THEN, when we were riding along the road, we came to the crossroads, and I looked down to the left, and there, standing right in the middle of the road, was what must have been the mom. She didn't stay nearly as long as the baby, but a lot longer than I would have expected. I think she was confused about a human smell coming from an animal! I was REALLY pleased with how well Sunny behaved with the new animals.
The rest of the week comprised of short bareback rides. Thursday through Friday I was busy baking for the 4-H foods show, which was Friday afternoon. (that went well, btw) Then Saturday I had a cousin's wedding. Then Sunday (today) was church and then a 50th wedding anniversary party. I am really tired. I did go for a nice ride this evening, just bareback with a halter again, and (oops) no helmet- it was so hot I barely could force myself to put on a pair of jeans, let alone a helmet. Good thing he was his normal awesome self. I went up and down the drive several times at a foxtrot, and around the house. Almost all the way back down the drive (which we walked, since the last time coming towards the house I always walk him) I just had the lead rope on his neck and both arms up in the air in a V sign. I was totally thrilled to be back on him again!! It felt T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C !!!
I have a show on Thursday, so I'll try to write about that this week if I have time.
OH... and the blog will be pretty quiet the weeks of July 2-15, 'cause I'll be in PERU!!! I am going with Focus on the Family on their Brio missions trip and so... yeah. I'll miss Sunny of course, but I know he's in capable hands, and I can't WAIT to soak in all the new experiences. It's not a sightseeing trip or anything, we won't see Micchu Picchu (sp.?) or anything like that, but I'm sure the whole experience is going to be awesome. Mom is happy about it too, for a different reason (NOT the fact that she gets all my chores since Dad is too busy!) She seems to think that I am going to want less fancy horse stuff after this. She's probably right (sigh). Our group will be spending time in Lima, basically in the slum sections a lot. We are sponsoring a child through Compassion International, so- I get to meet her, since she's from Lima!
Please pray for this trip ( and my parent's sanity as they worry about their 'baby' )
happy trails to all!!!!!!
The rest of the week comprised of short bareback rides. Thursday through Friday I was busy baking for the 4-H foods show, which was Friday afternoon. (that went well, btw) Then Saturday I had a cousin's wedding. Then Sunday (today) was church and then a 50th wedding anniversary party. I am really tired. I did go for a nice ride this evening, just bareback with a halter again, and (oops) no helmet- it was so hot I barely could force myself to put on a pair of jeans, let alone a helmet. Good thing he was his normal awesome self. I went up and down the drive several times at a foxtrot, and around the house. Almost all the way back down the drive (which we walked, since the last time coming towards the house I always walk him) I just had the lead rope on his neck and both arms up in the air in a V sign. I was totally thrilled to be back on him again!! It felt T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C !!!
I have a show on Thursday, so I'll try to write about that this week if I have time.
OH... and the blog will be pretty quiet the weeks of July 2-15, 'cause I'll be in PERU!!! I am going with Focus on the Family on their Brio missions trip and so... yeah. I'll miss Sunny of course, but I know he's in capable hands, and I can't WAIT to soak in all the new experiences. It's not a sightseeing trip or anything, we won't see Micchu Picchu (sp.?) or anything like that, but I'm sure the whole experience is going to be awesome. Mom is happy about it too, for a different reason (NOT the fact that she gets all my chores since Dad is too busy!) She seems to think that I am going to want less fancy horse stuff after this. She's probably right (sigh). Our group will be spending time in Lima, basically in the slum sections a lot. We are sponsoring a child through Compassion International, so- I get to meet her, since she's from Lima!
Please pray for this trip ( and my parent's sanity as they worry about their 'baby' )
happy trails to all!!!!!!
June 19, 2007
it came!
Yay, the saddle came today! I am so excited, it looks like it will fit perfectly. I'm going out for a "test ride" this afternoon to see how it feels.
June 17, 2007
new saddle- on it's way, club tour
I ended up ordering the gaited saddle (OK, so mom did- for some reason she doesn't trust me with a credit card, LOL) Hopefully it will be here in time for the 4-H horse show, which is the 28. The people at Country Supply said it would be. I guess I will find out if they were being truthful.
Yesterday we had the 4-H club tour- where everyone goes around to everyone elses houses and looks at projects too big to bring to the meetings. So I gave a demo with Sunny ( "how a saddle should fit" by viewing the one that doesn't!) and showed everyone my mini lop ( a kind of rabbit) We were the first stop, so I got to go in and clean up a bit before heading to the next person's place. I am wondering whose dumb idea it was to have the tour on a freaking 90 degree day at 3 in the afternoon!! I am the secretary, but my brain was obviously somewhere else when we decided date and time.
I rode Sunny a total of 3 times the last 7 days. It has been SO HOT. Poor Sunny is out in the real heat (even though we don't have air conditioning, our house is at least 20 degrees cooler) but he seems to be handling it much better than me. I whine; he just stands in the shade and swhishes his tail. He doesn't even fuss when I get the insane idea to put a saddle on him at 3 in the afternoon! I didn't put the girth on though, and I didn't get up there. I did however reluctantly don jeans and go (not so reluctantly) on a short bareback ride. That was fun, but I was quite glad to change back into my lightweight shorts for the rest of the tour.
stay cool!
Yesterday we had the 4-H club tour- where everyone goes around to everyone elses houses and looks at projects too big to bring to the meetings. So I gave a demo with Sunny ( "how a saddle should fit" by viewing the one that doesn't!) and showed everyone my mini lop ( a kind of rabbit) We were the first stop, so I got to go in and clean up a bit before heading to the next person's place. I am wondering whose dumb idea it was to have the tour on a freaking 90 degree day at 3 in the afternoon!! I am the secretary, but my brain was obviously somewhere else when we decided date and time.
I rode Sunny a total of 3 times the last 7 days. It has been SO HOT. Poor Sunny is out in the real heat (even though we don't have air conditioning, our house is at least 20 degrees cooler) but he seems to be handling it much better than me. I whine; he just stands in the shade and swhishes his tail. He doesn't even fuss when I get the insane idea to put a saddle on him at 3 in the afternoon! I didn't put the girth on though, and I didn't get up there. I did however reluctantly don jeans and go (not so reluctantly) on a short bareback ride. That was fun, but I was quite glad to change back into my lightweight shorts for the rest of the tour.
stay cool!
June 13, 2007
new saddle??
I've been poking around, looking for a new saddle for Sunny. I think I might get him one specifically for gaited horses, but I' m not sure yet. I don't want to rush into making the wrong purchase, but I DO want to have it before our next show.
I havn't ridden the past few days, so it's high time I get back on him. Hopefully this evening.
I havn't ridden the past few days, so it's high time I get back on him. Hopefully this evening.
June 12, 2007
re- parade!
Sunny was SO awesome. Believe it or not, he was the only horse in the parade! He had a lot of new things to look at, and there were TONS of distracting noises. He was perfect. No one could guess that it was his first parade. He walked calmly along while the band played ahead, streamers waved, engines revved, and kids were running all around him. We were with my 4-H group, and the theme of the parade was "back to the farm". So... we had a calf, a sheep, and a chicken besides him! It was hilarious, while the pictures were being taken of our group, Sunny was trying to take a bite out of the calf and possibly the sheep too, and it was a good thing he couldn't reach the chicken! I think he was fascinated by the texture of their hair.
I was using the borrowed saddle, and it came with a blue fleece pad and blue breastplate. I had a flag stuck through the saddle, and I wore faded jeans, my old boots, and my Curly contest T-shirt (of course!) He looked great. I would have loved to wear my cowboy hat instead of my helmet (small town parade, it was only three blocks for heavens sake!) Oh well.
Then we took him to a friends house to stay overnight in their round pen. I went to church with them the next day and gave a mini presentation on my upcoming missions trip to Peru.
Then, it was a rush to the show (that I didn't show in :( and after that we went on a trail ride and rode around the show grounds for quite awhile. I realized that day that I had left my bridle in the truck that Dad drove back to town, so I made do with the extra lead that I HAD remebered and fastened reins to his halter. It was pretty cool how well behaved he was with just the halter and lead ropes. He normally is, but I didn't know exactly what to expect with him being with strange horses and going to a busy showgrounds. Perfect, perfect!
happy trails, shows, parades, whatever!
I was using the borrowed saddle, and it came with a blue fleece pad and blue breastplate. I had a flag stuck through the saddle, and I wore faded jeans, my old boots, and my Curly contest T-shirt (of course!) He looked great. I would have loved to wear my cowboy hat instead of my helmet (small town parade, it was only three blocks for heavens sake!) Oh well.
Then we took him to a friends house to stay overnight in their round pen. I went to church with them the next day and gave a mini presentation on my upcoming missions trip to Peru.
Then, it was a rush to the show (that I didn't show in :( and after that we went on a trail ride and rode around the show grounds for quite awhile. I realized that day that I had left my bridle in the truck that Dad drove back to town, so I made do with the extra lead that I HAD remebered and fastened reins to his halter. It was pretty cool how well behaved he was with just the halter and lead ropes. He normally is, but I didn't know exactly what to expect with him being with strange horses and going to a busy showgrounds. Perfect, perfect!
happy trails, shows, parades, whatever!
June 08, 2007
parade (2)
It looks like I will be able to get there {the parade} as of this afternoon, (Friday!) nothing like last minute changes!!
I borrowed a better fitting Arabian sized saddle for it, and I am defenitely loving it- its pretty old, probably one of the "new" synthetic saddles, but it is SO AWESOME. I didn't ride yesterday (high winds) but I did try it on him Wednesday, and took about a 3 hour ride, which was really nice. OK, back to the saddle! It is an Abetta Cordura, and it probably weighs about a third of my present ill-fitting saddle. Which I'm sure Sunny appreciated as much as I did.
I am VERY happy I got to borrow it, since otherwise- no parade! (M+D nixed my idea of riding bareback - "it's on asphalt!" even though the parade is really short) As if I don't ride him bareback on asphalt NOW, but I didn't feel the need to bring that up to them...
I borrowed a better fitting Arabian sized saddle for it, and I am defenitely loving it- its pretty old, probably one of the "new" synthetic saddles, but it is SO AWESOME. I didn't ride yesterday (high winds) but I did try it on him Wednesday, and took about a 3 hour ride, which was really nice. OK, back to the saddle! It is an Abetta Cordura, and it probably weighs about a third of my present ill-fitting saddle. Which I'm sure Sunny appreciated as much as I did.
I am VERY happy I got to borrow it, since otherwise- no parade! (M+D nixed my idea of riding bareback - "it's on asphalt!" even though the parade is really short) As if I don't ride him bareback on asphalt NOW, but I didn't feel the need to bring that up to them...
June 04, 2007
Stay tuned, I might be able to get Sunny to his first ever parade on Saturday. I'm thinking about printing up little fact sheets about Curlies and handing them out. I'll see. Another possibility is that I could take him to a show Sunday afternoon the day after the parade, but I'm not sure I can make the necessary arrangements. Besides that, I have to get back in the saddle and work with him this week!! Hopefully the weather is improving so I can do that.
last 10 days or so
Wow, I have really been ignoring this blog!!! Unfortunately, it wasn't because I couldn't tear myself away from all kinds of outstanding adventures with Sunny. Nope, nada, zip. (pouting) The weather and my schedule have conspired against me for the last week, and I have had very little riding time. Yesterday I rode Sunny for awhile bareback, even though the wind was almost 30 mph, and it felt SO GOOD to be back on him. Another day I might have been disappointed that we didn't get much accomplished- yesterday I thought it was a great accomplishment to be on him at all! He had been enjoying his little bit of time off from work ;-). I spent lots of time on the non riding days just being with him in the pasture and grooming him. So it wasn't a total loss, especially from his point of view ("I get attention AND I get to eat at the SAME time!!! This is heaven!") HOPEFULLY the weather will be improving. It's getting really near to my trip time, I leave for Miami July 2 and from there head to Peru for 2 weeks- so riding time is a precious comodity right now.
Happy trails!!!
Happy trails!!!
May 25, 2007
almost forgot- new goal!
I have been reading the book Seven habits of highly effective teens by Sean Covey, and I thought through what he had to say about goal-setting as it related to my horsey habit. (It also ties in pretty well to what you were saying Denise!)
I have decided to set the goal of completing the requirements of the American Bashkir Curly Registry for their Versatility award. (For the year 2008) That will mean a lot of work, but I'm sure we can do it, especially with the support of all my horse friends. I'm fairly sure that we won't get enough points to win the award itself, I don't even know if I'll sign up for the program.
It's just a personal goal I'm setting for us.
I have decided to set the goal of completing the requirements of the American Bashkir Curly Registry for their Versatility award. (For the year 2008) That will mean a lot of work, but I'm sure we can do it, especially with the support of all my horse friends. I'm fairly sure that we won't get enough points to win the award itself, I don't even know if I'll sign up for the program.
It's just a personal goal I'm setting for us.
Today our farrier came, which was good since Sunny's hooves are getting pretty chipped up. I have been concerned with how much they are wearing even though I have not been riding him on the road recently. I have been keeping Rainmaker on them faithfully, but it hasn't been doing too much good. So John suggested putting some gelatin in his grain, and he said that with the Rainmaker should keep his hoof moisture at the right level. Sunny has such a sweet tooth, I doubt he will have trouble with some sweet gelatin of the apple or strawberry variety. ;-)
I rode mostly in the round pen but also went on a short ride down the lane. Sunny seems to have lost his head bob with the foxtrot, and without that I've heard it's not a true gait. Humph. I guess I have some reading up to do on the foxtrot and riding it well so I can see what I'm messing up on. Of course, I wasn't using a bit, I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. But it was a fun ride nonetheless.
I rode mostly in the round pen but also went on a short ride down the lane. Sunny seems to have lost his head bob with the foxtrot, and without that I've heard it's not a true gait. Humph. I guess I have some reading up to do on the foxtrot and riding it well so I can see what I'm messing up on. Of course, I wasn't using a bit, I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. But it was a fun ride nonetheless.
May 24, 2007
fun experiment
Today I got on Sunny bareback and I looped a lead rope around his neck for direction (I was smart enough to do this in the pasture,LOL)
He understood the cues very well, especially to stop and to back up. We had about 75% success rate in communicating directions, but I am quite sure the mistakes were made on my part, not his.
It was so cool to see his head totally free- nothing on it, just stretched out and gloriously free.
The best part was, there was no twinge of loss of control on my part. Admittedly, we didn't quite get that connection of galloping around an arena in total harmony, but since he has never been taught to neckrein at all I consider today quite an accomplishment.
Plus, it was really, really fun!
I can totally see how it is addicting to see how much further you can get in finesse with your horse. It was incredible, and I know it was only a tiny dot on the surface of a huge ocean of possibilities. (sorry, my metaphors get kind of dumb when I'm excited! :)
Needless to say, I am almost, if not totally out of that wierd slump I was experiencing.
Happy trails!!!
He understood the cues very well, especially to stop and to back up. We had about 75% success rate in communicating directions, but I am quite sure the mistakes were made on my part, not his.
It was so cool to see his head totally free- nothing on it, just stretched out and gloriously free.
The best part was, there was no twinge of loss of control on my part. Admittedly, we didn't quite get that connection of galloping around an arena in total harmony, but since he has never been taught to neckrein at all I consider today quite an accomplishment.
Plus, it was really, really fun!
I can totally see how it is addicting to see how much further you can get in finesse with your horse. It was incredible, and I know it was only a tiny dot on the surface of a huge ocean of possibilities. (sorry, my metaphors get kind of dumb when I'm excited! :)
Needless to say, I am almost, if not totally out of that wierd slump I was experiencing.
Happy trails!!!
May 23, 2007
lazy days?!!
I just need motivation to get back on and work! I seem to have slipped into some kind of funk since Saturday... I've only been on Sunny once since then, and only for about 45 minutes. I'm kind of wondering what is up with my total lack of enthusiasm, since we really did have an awesome time at the show. Grrr. Anyway, I've been spending time with Sunny, just being with him, and that has been nice. I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with me, havn't come up with anything yet.
May 21, 2007
loping woes
Sunny tries to convince me that he doesn't know how to lope correctly and can only speed canter. I have always known that that is wrong, but he proved it to me today. He's feeling pretty fresh since I gave him a well-deserved rest yesterday and havn't yet been on him today. I go out to see him and he comes towards me at a lope. A prize-winning western pleasure lope. He didn't care that a called him a little stinker since I had brought him a "bouqet" of clover and horse weed- his favorites.
Well, it wasn't one of those lopes that you see sometimes where the horse looks dead and you have to wonder how in the world he was trained to go that slow and not trip- but it was a very nice swinging lope that would be more than acceptable at the small shows I like to go to. humph.
My goal this summer is to get him to do that for me once- not even necessarily in an arena, just out on a trail ride.
And after I get him good at what I want in Western my goal is... to go back and get the nice canter and forward motion trot for English. What is wrong with this picture anyway?
Well, it wasn't one of those lopes that you see sometimes where the horse looks dead and you have to wonder how in the world he was trained to go that slow and not trip- but it was a very nice swinging lope that would be more than acceptable at the small shows I like to go to. humph.
My goal this summer is to get him to do that for me once- not even necessarily in an arena, just out on a trail ride.
And after I get him good at what I want in Western my goal is... to go back and get the nice canter and forward motion trot for English. What is wrong with this picture anyway?
May 20, 2007
we made it!!! And it was cool (mostly!)
Yesterday was really awesome. I was super proud of Sunny after I thought about it for awhile- he hadn't been with other horses since last October! OK, so we get there. Mom goes and pays for my entries and gets my number. While she is doing that, I work on grooming Sunny. Two girls from Red Horse Ranch walk by, Erica and Alyssa, and I heard Erica say, "Isn't that a Curly over there?" and Alyssa goes, "Yeah". And then Alyssa looks at him again and says, "Is that Moonie??" (Sunny's old name) She hadn't recognized him since he had grown over the winter another few inches and his mane is defenitely the longest it has ever been. She told me, "He's changed so much!" I asked her if it was a good change, and she said defenitely. Off to a good start so far!
I then walked him around for awhile, so he could check everything out. Unfortunately, I only walked him around the field area. Let me explain- The stable where we were used to be an Thoroughbred racing stable, and there was a track right next to the barn, and there is an outdoor arena behind the barn. Inside the track is a huge field full of horses. As I was walking Sunny over to the arena for our first class, a bunch of them came running over to the field to check him out- which majorly freaked him out. I have NEVER seen him so uptight. He started prancing next to me, holding his tail high like the 99% of the horses there who were Arabs. He was just barely in control. So I come around the corner of the barn with this barely in control horse, who is prancing and jigging like all getout, and it turns out they are holding the gate for me since I am the only one in the class. ( It was open stock type halter, no Arabs allowed, and none of the other Curlies entered) So Sunny comes sweeping in there, prancing and blowing, pulling me along (I only have his regular halter on, no shank or anything since I *never* needed it) and almost knocks over the judge, who happens to be the lady I took English lessons from for several years. Ooops. We have no trouble trotting past, the trouble is staying in the trot and stopping! So, after I took him all the way down the arena, and then brought him back up, he had calmed enough to stand for the inspection, thank goodness. We got first in the "class", our first blue, but I told Sunny I am waiting for our first under saddle now since we really did NOT deserve that first. I was just grateful we weren't disqualified!
As soon as we get out of the arena we have to come back in for the Curly halter class. There were seven in the class, but he had calmed down a bunch and actually placed sixth.
After that we had a long break. I took him back to the trailer and then relaxed for awhile watching some of the other classes, then went back and saddled him and worked for awhile hoping he would be better for the riding part! The next class we went in was novice walk trot, open, and there were 14 in the class. We didn't place, but I was VERY pleased with how Sunny was doing.
I was talking to a lady outside of the arena who trains horses, and she showed me some new things to try with him to work him in his gait and make his head set right (without jerking on his mouth like some people have told me!!) And it also turns out that I had his saddle too far forward, and when it was put back to where it is supposed to be, it showed that it was too big, since it pressed down hard on his back. So, we have the wrong saddle. Aarg. So I borrowed another pad to put underneath mine so it wouldn't put so much pressure on his back, and that worked some, but I will be needing to save for a new saddle. Probably a 6- 6 1/4 inch gullet size. I sure felt like an idiot for that! It turns out though that this lady (drat, I forgot her name and I know she told me!) trains previously abused horses. She offered to let me come to her place for a day sometime and show me how she works with them, which I thought would be really neat. I have been interested in rehabalitating abused and neglected horses for a few years, and it would be really cool to get some hands on experience.
The other classes were open walk trot, which we placed 6th in out of 8 horses, gaited curly pleasure, second out of two (towards the end of the day Sunny was getting sleepy and so I was having trouble keeping him moving!) Curly walk trot, fifth out of 8. I was really happy with how we did, and I sure learned a lot.
I also have to share some comments I got: from a lady who didn't know anything about horses but whose 5 year old daughter loves them: "That is a beautiful frost in his mane. How did you get those curls in? Did you use a curling iron?" She couldn't believe they were all natural. I also fielded some questions about their history and how old my angelic horse was (they obviously didnt see the halter class, LOL!) from a lady selling saddles: " I think your horse is the cutest thing here" I loved that one!
It was really awesome being back with Curly people (especially not being the only Curly at the show, the questions got spread out!) and having some real fun. It was interesting, in the arena they had music coming in, so it was coming at the horses in the arena. It was very odd. Sunny kept wanting to go over and check out that black box with all the funny sounds! LOL.
Till next time.
I then walked him around for awhile, so he could check everything out. Unfortunately, I only walked him around the field area. Let me explain- The stable where we were used to be an Thoroughbred racing stable, and there was a track right next to the barn, and there is an outdoor arena behind the barn. Inside the track is a huge field full of horses. As I was walking Sunny over to the arena for our first class, a bunch of them came running over to the field to check him out- which majorly freaked him out. I have NEVER seen him so uptight. He started prancing next to me, holding his tail high like the 99% of the horses there who were Arabs. He was just barely in control. So I come around the corner of the barn with this barely in control horse, who is prancing and jigging like all getout, and it turns out they are holding the gate for me since I am the only one in the class. ( It was open stock type halter, no Arabs allowed, and none of the other Curlies entered) So Sunny comes sweeping in there, prancing and blowing, pulling me along (I only have his regular halter on, no shank or anything since I *never* needed it) and almost knocks over the judge, who happens to be the lady I took English lessons from for several years. Ooops. We have no trouble trotting past, the trouble is staying in the trot and stopping! So, after I took him all the way down the arena, and then brought him back up, he had calmed enough to stand for the inspection, thank goodness. We got first in the "class", our first blue, but I told Sunny I am waiting for our first under saddle now since we really did NOT deserve that first. I was just grateful we weren't disqualified!
As soon as we get out of the arena we have to come back in for the Curly halter class. There were seven in the class, but he had calmed down a bunch and actually placed sixth.
After that we had a long break. I took him back to the trailer and then relaxed for awhile watching some of the other classes, then went back and saddled him and worked for awhile hoping he would be better for the riding part! The next class we went in was novice walk trot, open, and there were 14 in the class. We didn't place, but I was VERY pleased with how Sunny was doing.
I was talking to a lady outside of the arena who trains horses, and she showed me some new things to try with him to work him in his gait and make his head set right (without jerking on his mouth like some people have told me!!) And it also turns out that I had his saddle too far forward, and when it was put back to where it is supposed to be, it showed that it was too big, since it pressed down hard on his back. So, we have the wrong saddle. Aarg. So I borrowed another pad to put underneath mine so it wouldn't put so much pressure on his back, and that worked some, but I will be needing to save for a new saddle. Probably a 6- 6 1/4 inch gullet size. I sure felt like an idiot for that! It turns out though that this lady (drat, I forgot her name and I know she told me!) trains previously abused horses. She offered to let me come to her place for a day sometime and show me how she works with them, which I thought would be really neat. I have been interested in rehabalitating abused and neglected horses for a few years, and it would be really cool to get some hands on experience.
The other classes were open walk trot, which we placed 6th in out of 8 horses, gaited curly pleasure, second out of two (towards the end of the day Sunny was getting sleepy and so I was having trouble keeping him moving!) Curly walk trot, fifth out of 8. I was really happy with how we did, and I sure learned a lot.
I also have to share some comments I got: from a lady who didn't know anything about horses but whose 5 year old daughter loves them: "That is a beautiful frost in his mane. How did you get those curls in? Did you use a curling iron?" She couldn't believe they were all natural. I also fielded some questions about their history and how old my angelic horse was (they obviously didnt see the halter class, LOL!) from a lady selling saddles: " I think your horse is the cutest thing here" I loved that one!
It was really awesome being back with Curly people (especially not being the only Curly at the show, the questions got spread out!) and having some real fun. It was interesting, in the arena they had music coming in, so it was coming at the horses in the arena. It was very odd. Sunny kept wanting to go over and check out that black box with all the funny sounds! LOL.
Till next time.
May 18, 2007
I'm feeling really nervous! I am hoping I can get to the show, but at this late time its not finalized! I won't find out for sure until this afternoon. And then there's the usual preshow jitters (we won't do anything totally dumb to embarass the breed will we??) I'll keep everyone posted, rhose who are anxiously waiting to find out if we can make it to the show or not. Oh wait- that's me. I guess the rest of you in cyber world don't care as much ;-) Oh well, I'll write this weekend anyway.
May 16, 2007
what we have been up to
Sunny and I went for a brief ride in the evening. I had a friend coming over, so when they showed up we came back. Sunny got the usual compliments ;-) My friend Haley's first comment was, "His mane looks like it has been highlighted!" It's true. Poor Sunny is turning white at age 4. Of course, it isn't any more white than the picture of him as a yearling that I found on the internet, so I guess he's not going to turn into an ancient decrepit horse any time soon.
While we were out, I was working his foxtrot. I see out of the corner of my eye some big insect come up, and I guess it stung him since he jerked left- and fell into a small hole. (The grass was super long to the side of the mowed path) Then, in his panic to get out of the hole, he jerked to the left again- and fell into the drainage pipe hole! I stuck with him, but as soon as he was back on solid ground again I got off and checked him over. He was fine, which I had already guessed by the way he was calmly cropping the grass. Other than that, the ride was uneventful!
Tuesday, I didn't ride because it was Mom's birthday and I was in the kitchen all morning, first baking a cake (from scratch even!) ;-) and then making lunch- the big birthday meal. Then in the p.m. it was rainy and stormy. Then this morning, the perfect day to ride, he colics again. I am going to be looking into the ulcer possibility, since it is just not normal for a horse to colic so much. I know for a fact that the grass is not causing it, since he has also had a few episodes where there was snow on the ground!
So I am planning on keeping an eye on that, and still am hoping to make it to the show on Saturday.
Sunny and I went for a brief ride in the evening. I had a friend coming over, so when they showed up we came back. Sunny got the usual compliments ;-) My friend Haley's first comment was, "His mane looks like it has been highlighted!" It's true. Poor Sunny is turning white at age 4. Of course, it isn't any more white than the picture of him as a yearling that I found on the internet, so I guess he's not going to turn into an ancient decrepit horse any time soon.
While we were out, I was working his foxtrot. I see out of the corner of my eye some big insect come up, and I guess it stung him since he jerked left- and fell into a small hole. (The grass was super long to the side of the mowed path) Then, in his panic to get out of the hole, he jerked to the left again- and fell into the drainage pipe hole! I stuck with him, but as soon as he was back on solid ground again I got off and checked him over. He was fine, which I had already guessed by the way he was calmly cropping the grass. Other than that, the ride was uneventful!
Tuesday, I didn't ride because it was Mom's birthday and I was in the kitchen all morning, first baking a cake (from scratch even!) ;-) and then making lunch- the big birthday meal. Then in the p.m. it was rainy and stormy. Then this morning, the perfect day to ride, he colics again. I am going to be looking into the ulcer possibility, since it is just not normal for a horse to colic so much. I know for a fact that the grass is not causing it, since he has also had a few episodes where there was snow on the ground!
So I am planning on keeping an eye on that, and still am hoping to make it to the show on Saturday.
May 14, 2007
Yesterday's (almost ;-) perfect ride
Sunny and I had a really nice ride yesterday. We started out late, almost 5, but I discovered that that has to be the perfect time to ride because it is cooling down for the evening.
We headed out our drive and made a turn onto our nieghbors lane. Sunny did a perfect sidepass as he tried to convince me that turning toward our neighbors house would be the best thing to do- Sunny knows that he gets a rest and maybe some grass if we talk for awhile. Smart boy. I told him that we would stop by later on our way back, since I had a question to ask her. He kind of pouted, and I asked him why he could execute a dressage test worthy sidepass when he wanted something but not when I asked him to. Needless to say, he ignored me. ;)
We headed down the lane, and it turned out that our neighbor was out walking by her pond and so we stopped and talked for a few minutes. She made the usual compliments on Sunny's behaviour (what a beautiful boy! and so well mannered and good tempered)
Of course, she didn't see him later, when the two most inconsiderate drivers came by. I was furious. It's like if we aren't riding directly on the road, people think it's OK to come zooming by. They were going probably around 75-80 I would guess. Usually I hear vehicles coming and I make a point of stopping Sunny so he is not taken by surprise. But I hadn't heard them coming, and since he expects me to stop him before something passes he was surprised and reared. It took me countless figure eights in the field to calm him down. That was where the almost of the perfect ride comes in. It gets much better!
Later, we passed two pastures with cows in them, and Sunny was as steady as a rock. I was SO proud of him. One place there hadn't been cows out before, so I considered it a good accomplishment. I could tell he saw them, the way he flicked his ears way forward and looked in their direction, but he stayed at a relaxed walk without pausing. Yay! Gold stars to Sunny!
We saw the 2 geese twice in two different fields, but with the corn I could't tell whether their babies were with them or not.
Then on the way back, we had what I had only dreamed about: the perfect foxtrot! Sure, we work on it a lot, and he is doing well and I am gaining feel for it, but I have never had that experience where it just meshes together perfectly. It was AMAZING. It was total oneness, total perfection. I could see our shadow next to us and Sunny's legs were doing exactly what they were supposed to. It was total harmony. I am going to try to describe the feeling based on other equine euphorias I have experienced: it was like the very first jump you go over when the instructor doesn't have anything to criticize. It's like your very first gallop in a field. It was like watching a foal be born. It was like your first perfect flying lead change. Wow is the only word to describe it.
I told him when we were walking again that he could remember that for the show on Saturday. But I doubt that will happen. In my experience, those feelings are almost always something private between just your horse and you, and they rarely happen in a busy arena.
We headed out our drive and made a turn onto our nieghbors lane. Sunny did a perfect sidepass as he tried to convince me that turning toward our neighbors house would be the best thing to do- Sunny knows that he gets a rest and maybe some grass if we talk for awhile. Smart boy. I told him that we would stop by later on our way back, since I had a question to ask her. He kind of pouted, and I asked him why he could execute a dressage test worthy sidepass when he wanted something but not when I asked him to. Needless to say, he ignored me. ;)
We headed down the lane, and it turned out that our neighbor was out walking by her pond and so we stopped and talked for a few minutes. She made the usual compliments on Sunny's behaviour (what a beautiful boy! and so well mannered and good tempered)
Of course, she didn't see him later, when the two most inconsiderate drivers came by. I was furious. It's like if we aren't riding directly on the road, people think it's OK to come zooming by. They were going probably around 75-80 I would guess. Usually I hear vehicles coming and I make a point of stopping Sunny so he is not taken by surprise. But I hadn't heard them coming, and since he expects me to stop him before something passes he was surprised and reared. It took me countless figure eights in the field to calm him down. That was where the almost of the perfect ride comes in. It gets much better!
Later, we passed two pastures with cows in them, and Sunny was as steady as a rock. I was SO proud of him. One place there hadn't been cows out before, so I considered it a good accomplishment. I could tell he saw them, the way he flicked his ears way forward and looked in their direction, but he stayed at a relaxed walk without pausing. Yay! Gold stars to Sunny!
We saw the 2 geese twice in two different fields, but with the corn I could't tell whether their babies were with them or not.
Then on the way back, we had what I had only dreamed about: the perfect foxtrot! Sure, we work on it a lot, and he is doing well and I am gaining feel for it, but I have never had that experience where it just meshes together perfectly. It was AMAZING. It was total oneness, total perfection. I could see our shadow next to us and Sunny's legs were doing exactly what they were supposed to. It was total harmony. I am going to try to describe the feeling based on other equine euphorias I have experienced: it was like the very first jump you go over when the instructor doesn't have anything to criticize. It's like your very first gallop in a field. It was like watching a foal be born. It was like your first perfect flying lead change. Wow is the only word to describe it.
I told him when we were walking again that he could remember that for the show on Saturday. But I doubt that will happen. In my experience, those feelings are almost always something private between just your horse and you, and they rarely happen in a busy arena.
May 13, 2007
my horse- my hero
I was just reading a really good book, The Revolution in Horsemanship, and it was making me think about my experiences with Sunny. The book details the history of Natural Horsemanship and it is very good at describing the similarities and differences between various clinicians. One thing that they all have in common is that they focus on the relationship.
Now, not having had Sunny very long (9 months now) I am of the opinion that our relationship will only get better. Especially considering that a lot of the time I have had him has been winter months, and I havn't been outside much.
Sometimes our horses do dumb things, sometimes they scare us with bad behaviour, and sometimes they react badly to everyday things. Most of the time we NEED to be the leader for our horse- otherwise things will get very dangerous , very quickly. Other times, the horse can take the lead and help us. Thankfully, that doesn't need to happen very often and I've never seen it where the horse then takes over the rest of the relationship and always wants to be boss thereafter. I have been riding for 7 years, and I have seen several instances of this happening. It never happened to me- until last fall soon after I bought Sunny. We were riding in a field not too far from our house- less than a mile- in really tall grass. Suddenly Sunny just froze and stared ahead. Less than 12 feet in front of us I saw the retreating form of a mountain lion, also known as cougars, big cats, etc. I wasn't caring too much about what to call it then though! I could see part of it's back, the tail, and huge paws. (I would like to note that spotting a wildcat is not common in our part of central Illinois!)
I remember turning him around, and the next thing I knew Sunny was standing on the sidewalk at home and Mom was coming outside wanting to know why I was shaking. I don't know if I fainted or what... but Sunny will always be hero for taking care of me. I am totally positive on any other horse, I wouldn't even have been given a chance to see what scared him but been left on the ground as he put as much distance as possible between the cat and him.
Sunny has met his share of things that scare him. But on the two things that scare both of us, he has taken awesome care of me. The other one was the two protective dogs. Both times, I knew he was scared, but he knew I was too, and though that probably did make him more nervous it also made him protective of me. So, we may not have the kind of relationship that lets us go into an arena and show off for a huge crowd, or the kind that lets me jump him over huge obstacles bareback and bridleless (or even ride without at least a halter) but... we are building a trust relationship. Maybe the rest will come someday, maybe not. But for now... I'll take what I have, and that is a super Curly with a heart of solid gold.
This poem was not written by anyone I know, but it could easily have been written by any horse lovin' girl. I don't know who the author is.
An ode to my valentine
I love to hear you breathe,
I love to watch you run,
I love the way your eyes
Glisten in the sun.
You could be my knight
Powerful and strong,
With will to please and steady knees
And flowing hair, so long.
Always a perfect gentleman
The only guy I'll ever trust,
You know this relationship
Is built on love, not lust.
Here's to Mr. Right,
Here's to my pride and joy,
Here's to my favorite horse,
Who's better than any boy.
Now, not having had Sunny very long (9 months now) I am of the opinion that our relationship will only get better. Especially considering that a lot of the time I have had him has been winter months, and I havn't been outside much.
Sometimes our horses do dumb things, sometimes they scare us with bad behaviour, and sometimes they react badly to everyday things. Most of the time we NEED to be the leader for our horse- otherwise things will get very dangerous , very quickly. Other times, the horse can take the lead and help us. Thankfully, that doesn't need to happen very often and I've never seen it where the horse then takes over the rest of the relationship and always wants to be boss thereafter. I have been riding for 7 years, and I have seen several instances of this happening. It never happened to me- until last fall soon after I bought Sunny. We were riding in a field not too far from our house- less than a mile- in really tall grass. Suddenly Sunny just froze and stared ahead. Less than 12 feet in front of us I saw the retreating form of a mountain lion, also known as cougars, big cats, etc. I wasn't caring too much about what to call it then though! I could see part of it's back, the tail, and huge paws. (I would like to note that spotting a wildcat is not common in our part of central Illinois!)
I remember turning him around, and the next thing I knew Sunny was standing on the sidewalk at home and Mom was coming outside wanting to know why I was shaking. I don't know if I fainted or what... but Sunny will always be hero for taking care of me. I am totally positive on any other horse, I wouldn't even have been given a chance to see what scared him but been left on the ground as he put as much distance as possible between the cat and him.
Sunny has met his share of things that scare him. But on the two things that scare both of us, he has taken awesome care of me. The other one was the two protective dogs. Both times, I knew he was scared, but he knew I was too, and though that probably did make him more nervous it also made him protective of me. So, we may not have the kind of relationship that lets us go into an arena and show off for a huge crowd, or the kind that lets me jump him over huge obstacles bareback and bridleless (or even ride without at least a halter) but... we are building a trust relationship. Maybe the rest will come someday, maybe not. But for now... I'll take what I have, and that is a super Curly with a heart of solid gold.
This poem was not written by anyone I know, but it could easily have been written by any horse lovin' girl. I don't know who the author is.
An ode to my valentine
I love to hear you breathe,
I love to watch you run,
I love the way your eyes
Glisten in the sun.
You could be my knight
Powerful and strong,
With will to please and steady knees
And flowing hair, so long.
Always a perfect gentleman
The only guy I'll ever trust,
You know this relationship
Is built on love, not lust.
Here's to Mr. Right,
Here's to my pride and joy,
Here's to my favorite horse,
Who's better than any boy.
The past 3 days
It was totally the perfect day for riding on Friday... but I didn't, since I think I go on my emotions too much. You know how sometimes you get a weird feeling, like you are absolutely positive you are either supposed to or not supposed to do something? Well, I had the oddest feeling that I was NOT supposed to ride Sunny. So, I didn't, though Mom was trying to shove me out the door all day. I don't really know what would have happened if I had- maybe nothing, but then again just wondering about it could have caused me to tense which would make Sunny tense, and on in circles like that until something did happen.
So it frustrated me, but I stayed earth bound Friday. Saturday, another perfect day, was already booked to spend the day in St. Louis with my grandmother for her birthday. So to make sure that I wasn't grumpy the whole day ("Yet another perfect day wasted!!") I got up early and went out for a quick morning bareback ride. You'd think Sunny would have been happy to go for a ride, and I guess he was, but he sure could have fooled me at first ;-) He was really happy to hear me come out of the house, and I could hear his nicker all the way from the sidewalk. Then I came down , without any food, and put his halter on him and tied him up for a grooming. If a horse could put his hands on his hips, that was what he was doing! He was also giving a pretty good glare. I was disrupting his plans for yummy grain, and he let me know that loud and clear.
I was OK with that since I was just happy to be riding again (it's like a drug you know- addicting!)
It was short but really fun, once I convinced Sunny to stop pouting and enjoy himself. :)
No reports on today yet, but I am planning on a good ride when it cools down a little and if I am back online tonight I'll write about it.
So it frustrated me, but I stayed earth bound Friday. Saturday, another perfect day, was already booked to spend the day in St. Louis with my grandmother for her birthday. So to make sure that I wasn't grumpy the whole day ("Yet another perfect day wasted!!") I got up early and went out for a quick morning bareback ride. You'd think Sunny would have been happy to go for a ride, and I guess he was, but he sure could have fooled me at first ;-) He was really happy to hear me come out of the house, and I could hear his nicker all the way from the sidewalk. Then I came down , without any food, and put his halter on him and tied him up for a grooming. If a horse could put his hands on his hips, that was what he was doing! He was also giving a pretty good glare. I was disrupting his plans for yummy grain, and he let me know that loud and clear.
I was OK with that since I was just happy to be riding again (it's like a drug you know- addicting!)
It was short but really fun, once I convinced Sunny to stop pouting and enjoy himself. :)
No reports on today yet, but I am planning on a good ride when it cools down a little and if I am back online tonight I'll write about it.
May 10, 2007
boring day...
I knew I should have gone for a ride this morning, but I really couldn't since I needed to be in town to help my brother with yard work early (something about the city giving him a citation if he didn't get his grass cut ;-) At least I got paid, which is all $ to go into my fund for my missions trip to Peru this summer. OK, I'm getting off track here!
After I got back home, I went back out to greet Sunny, and he was in a really wierd mood. I think because it was so muggy he was just annoyed since he's not used to the hotter weather yet. Since I was hot too, I waited until it got a little bit cooler before I took him out. A cloud cover had blown in, and it brought the temperature down about 8 degrees, which was a big improvement. It did kind of look like rain though, so I didn't bother to take time with the saddle and only gave him a cursory grooming (which made Mom remark on our way out, "White socks? I don't see any white socks." ) Ok, so they were a little bit speckled with dirt, but you could still see that they were SUPPOSED to be white.
As we were heading out the drive, I saw lightning to the south but was pretty desperate for a ride (read: being stupid) and thought" Oh well, I see blue sky to the north, lets just ride that way". So we stopped by our neighbor's so I could ask her a question, and then headed down her field road. As we were about 3/4 of the way down, a huge roll of thunder comes across the sky and Sunny jumps about a mile up and sideways. Fortunately, he had been sweating pretty good out in the hot sun that day, so my jeans stuck to him well. So after I got him calmed down, I decided I had had enough of being stupid and we headed for home. He was still acting odd, though he had plenty of energy as usual, so I bet he got a little dehydrated while he was in the pasture since his water bucket indicated he hadn't been back in much to get a drink. We were'nt out nearly long enough to make up for the lack of yesterday's ride. Mom told me yesterday thatI couldn't ride until my room was cleaned up. For only two days of mess and living either out at the barn or in the schoolroom or living room (I'm homeschooled ;) I sure had a ton to do. So, I got finished, but not in time for a ride :( That was my "adventures" for the day... hopefully I will have more interesting things to write about in the coming weeks. I am hoping to attend a show on the 19th that has Curly classes... crossing my fingers I can get the transportation worked out (we have the trailer, not the truck)
After I got back home, I went back out to greet Sunny, and he was in a really wierd mood. I think because it was so muggy he was just annoyed since he's not used to the hotter weather yet. Since I was hot too, I waited until it got a little bit cooler before I took him out. A cloud cover had blown in, and it brought the temperature down about 8 degrees, which was a big improvement. It did kind of look like rain though, so I didn't bother to take time with the saddle and only gave him a cursory grooming (which made Mom remark on our way out, "White socks? I don't see any white socks." ) Ok, so they were a little bit speckled with dirt, but you could still see that they were SUPPOSED to be white.
As we were heading out the drive, I saw lightning to the south but was pretty desperate for a ride (read: being stupid) and thought" Oh well, I see blue sky to the north, lets just ride that way". So we stopped by our neighbor's so I could ask her a question, and then headed down her field road. As we were about 3/4 of the way down, a huge roll of thunder comes across the sky and Sunny jumps about a mile up and sideways. Fortunately, he had been sweating pretty good out in the hot sun that day, so my jeans stuck to him well. So after I got him calmed down, I decided I had had enough of being stupid and we headed for home. He was still acting odd, though he had plenty of energy as usual, so I bet he got a little dehydrated while he was in the pasture since his water bucket indicated he hadn't been back in much to get a drink. We were'nt out nearly long enough to make up for the lack of yesterday's ride. Mom told me yesterday thatI couldn't ride until my room was cleaned up. For only two days of mess and living either out at the barn or in the schoolroom or living room (I'm homeschooled ;) I sure had a ton to do. So, I got finished, but not in time for a ride :( That was my "adventures" for the day... hopefully I will have more interesting things to write about in the coming weeks. I am hoping to attend a show on the 19th that has Curly classes... crossing my fingers I can get the transportation worked out (we have the trailer, not the truck)
May 09, 2007
about Sunny
This is my own special outlet, so I figure I can brag as much as I want(even if I am the only one to read it ;-)
Sunny is a registered American Bashkir Curly. His registered name is Black Son Rising, which really confuses me as he doesn't have too much black on him! He is listed as a dun on his papers, but I prefer to call him a buttermilk buckskin even if it isn't totally correct. He is a golden color on his body, with 4 white socks and a big blaze. He has the characteristic curly mane, which is black with white stripes. His tail is a mix of black and brown. He also has a dorsal stripe and his right eye is partially blue. I'm going to post a picture (or lot's of pictures!) of him, but since I am at the library now I don't have access to my photos.
He is four years old, and has an intermediate gait other than the trot- he has some Missouri Foxtrotters in his background, and he inherited a foxtrot gait. He also has a nice regular trot, though I am trying to discourage that for now so that he really learns how to use his foxtrot.
I bought him last September, and he has been my saving grace in the horse world. After buying a off-track Thoroughbred, my confidence plummeted as he ran away with me several times. It really shook my confidence. Before, I had been one of those crazy kids who would ride anything, and loved speed. Danny was a sweet horse, but his temperment just could not handle being in the open on trails- which I love. I found him an excellent home as a college team horse for dressage, and they are even training him to jump, though he is blind in one eye! It is amazing what horses can be trained to do.
I am still sometimes less than confident when things get fast. Fortunately, I own one of the sweetest horses ever. Yesterday we went for a gallop, our first for the year. When I had had enough, I gently pulled back and settled down in the saddle. He was back to a gentle swinging walk within five strides, and there was none of the jigging or prancing that some horses do after a run. (though he did try to see if I would let him have some grass)
Some more facts about Sunny: he is about 14.2 hands tall, and has the cutest eyelashes made on a horse- they curl up instead of sticking straight out (it's not unique to him, it's a breed trait)
He hasn't been ridden for very long, this is only the beginning of his second year of saddle work. So I like to think that I am training him as much as he is teaching me. I don't know though... he is wise beyond his experience.
May every rider have a chance to ride a special Curly at least once in their life.
Sunny is a registered American Bashkir Curly. His registered name is Black Son Rising, which really confuses me as he doesn't have too much black on him! He is listed as a dun on his papers, but I prefer to call him a buttermilk buckskin even if it isn't totally correct. He is a golden color on his body, with 4 white socks and a big blaze. He has the characteristic curly mane, which is black with white stripes. His tail is a mix of black and brown. He also has a dorsal stripe and his right eye is partially blue. I'm going to post a picture (or lot's of pictures!) of him, but since I am at the library now I don't have access to my photos.
He is four years old, and has an intermediate gait other than the trot- he has some Missouri Foxtrotters in his background, and he inherited a foxtrot gait. He also has a nice regular trot, though I am trying to discourage that for now so that he really learns how to use his foxtrot.
I bought him last September, and he has been my saving grace in the horse world. After buying a off-track Thoroughbred, my confidence plummeted as he ran away with me several times. It really shook my confidence. Before, I had been one of those crazy kids who would ride anything, and loved speed. Danny was a sweet horse, but his temperment just could not handle being in the open on trails- which I love. I found him an excellent home as a college team horse for dressage, and they are even training him to jump, though he is blind in one eye! It is amazing what horses can be trained to do.
I am still sometimes less than confident when things get fast. Fortunately, I own one of the sweetest horses ever. Yesterday we went for a gallop, our first for the year. When I had had enough, I gently pulled back and settled down in the saddle. He was back to a gentle swinging walk within five strides, and there was none of the jigging or prancing that some horses do after a run. (though he did try to see if I would let him have some grass)
Some more facts about Sunny: he is about 14.2 hands tall, and has the cutest eyelashes made on a horse- they curl up instead of sticking straight out (it's not unique to him, it's a breed trait)
He hasn't been ridden for very long, this is only the beginning of his second year of saddle work. So I like to think that I am training him as much as he is teaching me. I don't know though... he is wise beyond his experience.
May every rider have a chance to ride a special Curly at least once in their life.
Ride a Curly contest
Sunny and I are participating in a really awesome contest, where I track hours in the saddle and events we attend. So far it's been really fun, and it is pushing me to get out and spend time in the outdoors with my awesome horse! That's good, since it's really improving my relationship with Sunny. Just the word contest helps... though I am viewing it as a personal contest, not as one with other people. We've missed a few days due to bad weather, and some days we don't ride as long as others. The key is to listen to the horse. If Sunny is tired and/or hot, it's not a good day to ride for hours. If he's feeling fresh and full of it, it's a good time to go for a long ride or work on our arena skills.
The contest started May 1, and already we have had so many adventures! Sunny has gotten over his fear of cows (at least somewhat, I am waiting to see long term results) we have explored a new road, galloped down a farm lane, seen baby geese, and generally have had a fun time!
I am very excited to begin to see results in our relationship, and I'm sure it will only improve as we continue to work together. It is also wonderful to see more people come to learn about the amazing Curly horse. (I really can't keep my mouth shut about them :)
The contest started May 1, and already we have had so many adventures! Sunny has gotten over his fear of cows (at least somewhat, I am waiting to see long term results) we have explored a new road, galloped down a farm lane, seen baby geese, and generally have had a fun time!
I am very excited to begin to see results in our relationship, and I'm sure it will only improve as we continue to work together. It is also wonderful to see more people come to learn about the amazing Curly horse. (I really can't keep my mouth shut about them :)
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