May 09, 2007

about Sunny

This is my own special outlet, so I figure I can brag as much as I want(even if I am the only one to read it ;-)
Sunny is a registered American Bashkir Curly. His registered name is Black Son Rising, which really confuses me as he doesn't have too much black on him! He is listed as a dun on his papers, but I prefer to call him a buttermilk buckskin even if it isn't totally correct. He is a golden color on his body, with 4 white socks and a big blaze. He has the characteristic curly mane, which is black with white stripes. His tail is a mix of black and brown. He also has a dorsal stripe and his right eye is partially blue. I'm going to post a picture (or lot's of pictures!) of him, but since I am at the library now I don't have access to my photos.
He is four years old, and has an intermediate gait other than the trot- he has some Missouri Foxtrotters in his background, and he inherited a foxtrot gait. He also has a nice regular trot, though I am trying to discourage that for now so that he really learns how to use his foxtrot.
I bought him last September, and he has been my saving grace in the horse world. After buying a off-track Thoroughbred, my confidence plummeted as he ran away with me several times. It really shook my confidence. Before, I had been one of those crazy kids who would ride anything, and loved speed. Danny was a sweet horse, but his temperment just could not handle being in the open on trails- which I love. I found him an excellent home as a college team horse for dressage, and they are even training him to jump, though he is blind in one eye! It is amazing what horses can be trained to do.
I am still sometimes less than confident when things get fast. Fortunately, I own one of the sweetest horses ever. Yesterday we went for a gallop, our first for the year. When I had had enough, I gently pulled back and settled down in the saddle. He was back to a gentle swinging walk within five strides, and there was none of the jigging or prancing that some horses do after a run. (though he did try to see if I would let him have some grass)
Some more facts about Sunny: he is about 14.2 hands tall, and has the cutest eyelashes made on a horse- they curl up instead of sticking straight out (it's not unique to him, it's a breed trait)
He hasn't been ridden for very long, this is only the beginning of his second year of saddle work. So I like to think that I am training him as much as he is teaching me. I don't know though... he is wise beyond his experience.
May every rider have a chance to ride a special Curly at least once in their life.


Denise Conroy said...

Hi Cara! I enjoyed reading your posts and also the details about Sunny. I didn't know his or your history much so that was really fun. I am so glad the contest is motivating you...Keep up the great and Sunny are awesome ambassadors and we are proud of you both! Denise

penella22 said...

Sunny is so handsome with all the different colors in his coat. Sage has both dun and black colored curls in his mane too this year- I love it!!! (many oodles of pictures of it in my blog...) I didn't realize Sunny is only 4! And I have to tell you I think you're brave...I haven't galloped a horse in a very looong time. :-)