May 24, 2007

fun experiment

Today I got on Sunny bareback and I looped a lead rope around his neck for direction (I was smart enough to do this in the pasture,LOL)
He understood the cues very well, especially to stop and to back up. We had about 75% success rate in communicating directions, but I am quite sure the mistakes were made on my part, not his.
It was so cool to see his head totally free- nothing on it, just stretched out and gloriously free.
The best part was, there was no twinge of loss of control on my part. Admittedly, we didn't quite get that connection of galloping around an arena in total harmony, but since he has never been taught to neckrein at all I consider today quite an accomplishment.
Plus, it was really, really fun!
I can totally see how it is addicting to see how much further you can get in finesse with your horse. It was incredible, and I know it was only a tiny dot on the surface of a huge ocean of possibilities. (sorry, my metaphors get kind of dumb when I'm excited! :)
Needless to say, I am almost, if not totally out of that wierd slump I was experiencing.
Happy trails!!!

1 comment:

Denise Conroy said...

Very Cool Cara! I am glad you pulled out of your 'funk'. I get like that too, especially after a big's almost like if you don't have a goal or something to work torwards, you lose a bit of motivation. ;-)) That is when we have to find new and different things to good for you!!!!