May 25, 2007

almost forgot- new goal!

I have been reading the book Seven habits of highly effective teens by Sean Covey, and I thought through what he had to say about goal-setting as it related to my horsey habit. (It also ties in pretty well to what you were saying Denise!)
I have decided to set the goal of completing the requirements of the American Bashkir Curly Registry for their Versatility award. (For the year 2008) That will mean a lot of work, but I'm sure we can do it, especially with the support of all my horse friends. I'm fairly sure that we won't get enough points to win the award itself, I don't even know if I'll sign up for the program.
It's just a personal goal I'm setting for us.


Anonymous said...

Good for you Cara! I'm sure you can do it, you've got so much determination and aptitude. My goal for this year was getting Sage under saddle, and I had my first ride on him this week, so I'm happy! Now I think I have to set a new goal of taking him to gymkhana or something fun like that.

Noah said...

How's it going? (year is a 1/4 over, scary thought)

Cara said...

well, we havn't done much yet besides just riding and not as much of that as I would want... the big horse months are april-october. and yes, quite scary! :-O